The Ultimate Guide to MetaLOX Staking

The Ultimate Guide to MetaLOX Staking

With up to 300 percent APY rates on offer, LOX Network rewards token holders through our incredible staking program. Whether $LOX, Smart NFT, SmartLOX, or MetaLOX, the more you hold, the higher your reward! Read on to discover how you can get involved today.

Mike Belevstov · 3 minute read

At LOX, we’re dedicated to giving back to our community. That’s why we’re introducing the MetaLOX staking program for all our token holders. Whether $LOX, SmartNFT, SmartLOX, or MetaLOX, get rewarded with fantastic annual percentage yield (APY) rates. 

The MetaLOX project

We’re taking on the metaverse with our new project: MetaLOX. A decentralized online world encompassing virtual and augmented reality, MetaLOX is a multi-planet metaverse integrating NFTs, DeFi, and Game-Fi. 

People across the globe can socialize, play, and earn by exploring our digital universe. Build and create monetized assets, NFTs, earn our native token, and start businesses. Users can also connect with friends and experience different cultures & lifestyles.

Our native MetaLOX token not only gives users the chance to earn, but also govern how the platform grows and changes.

What is the MetaLOX staking programme? 

Our MetaLOX staking program rewards our token holders with generous APY rates. The programme is applicable to all LOX, SmartLOX, SmartNFT, or MetaLOX holders with an enabled MetaLOX trustline. 

APY rates remain the same regardless of the token owned and are broken down into four tiers. For example:

  • 1 - 1 million: 50 percent APY

  • 1 million - 5 million: 100 percent APY

  • 5 million - 10 million: 200 percent APY

  • 10 million +: 300 percent APY

Join MetaLOX’s staking programme today

Before you join our program, make sure you have the right cryptocurrency wallet. We recommend Xumm, but you can also use any XRP compatible, non-custodial wallet. You can find a list of available XRP wallets here

Here’s how to join the MetaLOX staking program: 

  1. Set up your Xumm account, or another non-custodial XRP compatible wallet.

  2. Activate your wallet with 10 XRP tokens. 

  3. To enter our staking program, you need to hold LOX, SmartLOX, SmartNFT, or our MetaLOX token. 

  4. You also need to have a trustline enabled for our token to join the staking program, and to enjoy any of our other rewards. 

Here’s how to set up a trustline with Xuum: 

  1. Go to

  2. Select 'Sign in with Xuum'.

  3. XRPL.Services will display a QR Code.

  4. Scan the QR code using the Xuum app.

  5. The XUMM app will show a sign-in transaction.

  6. Sign the transaction if necessary.

  7. Select 'Accept' in the XUMM app.

  8. Verify the correct XRP Ledger network.

  9. Select 'Trust Set (Trustlines)'.

  10. In the 'XRPL Address which issues the IOU' field.

  11. Enter the issuer address.

  12. Select the asset (token code) from the proposed list.

  13. Review the Trust Line Limit and adjust as needed.

  14. Select "Send Trust Set to Xuum".

  15. Sign the transaction using the Xuum app.

You’re now ready to be a part of our MetaLOX staking program and start earning APY rewards!

MetaLOX: A metaverse where users can play, earn and socialize 

LOX Network was founded with the aim of eliminating mobile device theft and smartphone crime globally. To realize that mission, we’ve developed a custom-built hybrid blockchain that’s powering the world’s first global decentralized mobile device blacklist. 

That same hybrid blockchain now powers MetaLOX, our very own metaverse that’s integrating NFTs, Game-Fi, and De-Fi. MetaLOX pushes the limits of AR, MR, VR, and XR to bring users an immersive virtual experience like no other.

Join our community for the latest news and updates on all things MetaLOX.

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